Strangelove Sean Cliver Birth of Cthulhu Deck 8.88"

Strangelove Sean Cliver Birth of Cthulhu Deck 8.88"


  • $ 75.00

Artwork by Sean Cliver (signed)
Manufactured at PS Stix
Screen-printed at Screaming Squeegees
Dimensions: 8.875 x 32.25
Specs: Nose: 7.125 / Tail: 6.625 / WB: 14.25
Product Description: One of the great trials of adulting is learning how to tailor your professional life to that of your personal; or, in other accounting words, mastering the fine art of the tax write-off. For no insignificant instance, I'll cite the time I joined my wife in Tuscany, Italy on the convenient heels of her own work travel, circa November 2017. Although we popularly referred to this trip as our "second honeymoon" it also fell squarely into the work bracket because art is our professional life and we hit every museum within regional reason—most notably the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, where I gazed longingly upon the "Birth of Venus," a lesser known painting by some cat named Sandro Botticelli, an artist generally overlooked in the oily fog of the Italian Renaissance. Meanwhile, lost in my own ADHP fog, I was inspired by Venus to create my own lesser work called "Cthulhu on the Half-Skull," because, in all honesty, I'd erroneously confused the title of Kilgore Trout's book "Venus on the Half-Shell" to actually be that of the Botticelli painting. So, what have we learned today? Well, for one, an art history major I am not, much less a minor; and two, this really is the comma-riddled reason behind my lovingly crafted rendition of an extreme negative entity skillfully—if not skullfully—emerging to surf a blood red sea to the shores of humanity's destruction… or something grandiloquent like that (get off my back, jerk, I'm trying to justify a tax write-off).
Warning: Since the dawn of mankind, top stain veneers have come in a variety of colors and the one shown here is for display purposes only. In other words, we cannot guarantee a specific color so please be pleasantly surprised with the one you receive and not get all bent and butt-hurt about it.